The People's Fund of Maui VIRTUE SIGNALING SCAM? or just helping the victims of TRAGEDY? #shorts

9 months ago

Oprah Winfrey, the billionaire philanthropist, has astonishingly claimed victimhood in the aftermath of the Maui fires, not because of any property damage or personal loss, but due to online backlash for her tone-deaf response to the crisis. This video exposes the audacious insult of her expecting struggling ordinary people to donate to her "People's Fund of Maui" while she, amidst the recession and skyrocketing prices, could single-handedly solve Maui's problems but chooses not to.

#OprahWinfrey #MauiFires #PeoplesFundOfMaui #Elitist #OnlineBacklash #Victimhood #ToneDeaf #SelfishBillionaire #HawaiiResidents #SpecialPrivileges #CrisisPR #DwayneTheRockJohnson #CollectiveDisdain #GlobalistElite #Despicable

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