Sen. Kennedy Reads Passage From Sexually Explicit Book Making Democrats Defending Book Squirm

1 year ago


Sen. Kennedy made Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias uncomfortable during Senate Judiciary hearing about "Book Bans" when he recited aloud a passage from a sexually explicit children book titled "Gender Queer" to press whether such book with explicitly sexual content is appropriate for children & should be easily available in libraries

Giannoulias spearheaded the first in the nation anti-book ban law that block parents/public libraries from being able to remove/ban books deemed inappropriate to children & threatens libraries by withholding state funding if they do ban any books

Giannoulias response to Kennedy: "With all due respect, Senator, the words you spoke are disturbing, especially coming out of your mouth, it's very disturbing. But I would also tell you that we're not advocating for kids to read porn. We're advocating for parents, random parents, not to have the ability under the guise of keeping kids safe

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