Liz Truss is a deluded sandwich short of a picnic.

9 months ago

Liz Truss cost us all £30bn with her economic idiocy, so why is a think tank allowing her to posture as a credible economist?
Right so, Liz Truss, why won’t she just go away now? Perhaps some of you have put this on and thought that about me too a time or two, but I at least make some effort to know what I’m talking about, Truss could claim to be from Mars, stick two pencils up her nose and say wibble and South West Norfolk would still bloody elect her. That lettuce that lasted longer than her premiership has now long since expired, but surely it’s a valid question, why is she even still a thing after the damage she did? £30bn of our money gone down the pan because she’s an economic idiot, so many Tories are stepping down ahead of the next election, but not Liz, she’s standing again, she’s been bizarrely re-endorsed by her local Conservative Party and of course permitted to stand by the national party when you would imagine if they want an ounce of economic credibility going into the next election, they’d have binned her off faster than Starmer suspended Corbyn. Perhaps they’re that hard up for candidates they have no choice, but what an accusation Labour have got going into the next election, when whatever Sunak might say about his party being the better one to be in charge of the economy, Starmer could just turn around and say no party that has allowed Liz Truss to stand again after the money she lost, money the Tories stole from all of us should be how we think about it I believe, can be trusted with the nations purse strings. £30bn gone. When we lose money, if we were to be robbed, or mugged in the street. If the perpetrator got away with it, how do we get our money back? We don’t, we have to carry on, we have to take that missing cash from somewhere else if it was important, if we needed it for a specific something. Truss losing £30bn, literally half of the treasury’s fiscal black hole, well who’s paying for that? Well we will. Why is Truss not somehow responsible for some kind of criminal negligence, ah well parliamentary privilege of course, but it is nuts that anyone should trust the economy with the Tories, well ever in my opinion, but after this? That should be nailed on, especially when Sunak has failed to really do anything to address it, our completely unelected mandateless PM, doing nothing except cementing his place in the history books having become PM. He’s hardly done anything of note except preside over scandal after scandal and make 5 pledges he can’t keep. The word Tory comes from an Irish word for thief, never a truer sentiment made. Any normal person you would think, anyone who had been such an abject calamity in government, would count their lucky stars just to fade into obscurity afterwards, but Liz Truss is not normal.


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Damo Rants Kernow Damo liz truss,liz truss speech,liz truss prime minister,rishi sunak and liz truss,liz truss lettuce,politics,uk politics,rishi sunak,kernow damo,damo rants,kernowdamo,damo,rebel media,liz truss economics,trussonomics,liz truss tax cuts,liz truss deluded,south west norfolk,liz truss think tanks,liz truss blames the left,bruges group,liz truss environment,liz truss benefits,liz truss woke,tories,economy,cost of living crisis,keir starmer,mini budget 2022

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