How Judgment Makes Us Feel Superior | Ellie Lee Reveals Her Hollywood Secrets | Ep 82

10 months ago

When we judge, we create separation because we divide the world into us and them, good and bad, right and wrong, superior and inferior, etc. We create boundaries and barriers that prevent us from seeing the unity and diversity of life. We create conflicts and misunderstandings that hinder our communication and cooperation. We create suffering and resentment that damage our relationships and happiness.

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(00:00:00) - Intro
(00:01:35) - Is There A Balance Between What You Know And What You Share?
(00:07:23) - What Is Heaven And Hell?
(00:17:43) - Hollywood And Material Pursuits
(00:24:19) - What Does It Mean To Open Your Heart?
(00:32:12) - How To Overcome Anxiety
(00:38:07) - Is There Any Spirituality In Hollywood?
(00:44:49) - What Was Clayton’s Awakening?
(00:51:59) - God, Source, and/or Universal Energy. Is that okay?
(00:55:04) - How Religion Has Kept Us Separate From God
(01:01:25) - Take Responsibility For Your Triggers
(01:11:33) - Example Of Examining Your Triggers
(01:15:05) - Clayton Transcending Material Pleasure
(01:22:22) - The Power Of Jesus’s Words
(01:29:11) - Why Does God Permit Evil?
(01:35:20) - Ellie’s Final Words To The Audience

Judgment is not the same as discernment, which is the ability to perceive and understand the differences and similarities between things or people, without attaching any value or preference to them. Discernment is a skill that helps us to make wise decisions and choices, based on our own goals and values, without imposing them on others. Discernment is a quality that fosters respect and compassion for ourselves and others, regardless of our differences or similarities.

Judgment creates separation, but discernment creates connection. If we want to live in a more harmonious and peaceful world, we need to practice discernment more than judgment. We need to be aware of our own biases and preferences, and how they influence our perception and evaluation of reality. We need to be open-minded and curious about other perspectives and experiences, and how they enrich our understanding and appreciation of life. We need to be humble and grateful for our own gifts and talents, and how they contribute to the common good.

About Ellie
Ellie Lee is an on-camera personality/host, and a Mystical Life Coach at Masters of Self University. She has spent 15 years in the entertainment industry hosting shows on MTV, VH1, iHeartRadio, People, Complex, and more. Her career shifted when she began a journey of deep inner healing in 2019 and is now a Mystical Life Coach at Masters of Self University. She has built a solid following by sharing and documenting her healing journey. She is now devoted to helping others heal their pain at the deepest transformational level.

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