Video 1 - Warm Up Oil Painting - Why Paint a Warm Up Painting

11 months ago

Why do we do a warm up oil painting?
If you have ever played an instrument or sang in a choir or exercised, you know that there is a need to warm up. The same holds true for painting. By warming up with a daily painting we accomplish a couple of things:

You remove the fear of putting paint on the pretty white canvas.
Mentally you will shift from your daily grind to your painting headspace
You experiment and play
You complete a painting that you can learn from.

NOTE: I used to run an incredible art business and online artist program known as the Positive Painters. However, I have dissolved the program to focus on my goals and artwork. So, if you happen to come across any mention of it in the video, please feel free to disregard that information, as those templates, downloads and programs are no longer available.

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