David Nino Rodriguez with Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes – US Military Calculating Their Rollout Timing

11 months ago

DoD Government Task Force Advisor Dr. Jan Halper has been working since 2015 with US MIL PsyOps leadership to assess the Public's Readiness to accept the Military's Public Rollout.

Predicting proper timing is critical and effective messaging will be the key.

Military Action is expected before the 2024 Election.

Dr. Jan Halper reads an enormous amount of posts.

This is not a Trump task force.

Whether she is working for the good guys or bad guys remains to be seen but she says it’s all about the timing for when the military will intervene.

Dr. Jan Halper says we have the woke military and the Trump portion of the military – it is divided. She says she trusts the Trump portion of the military.

Dr. Jan Halper says the elections may not even occur in 2024.

She believes she is on this task force because the 2020 election was rigged, and the military would like to know the optimal time when to take the lead.

My concern: What if this is the PsyOp of all psyops? What if the rigging was planned decades ago as well as Trumps first term, all by the bad guys and they are playing Biden as president to unite everyone so we will accept military law?

Knowing what I know about the military leaders, I do NOT trust them at all.

You know 100% there will be war within the military when/if shit hits the fan.

SOURCE: Juan O Savin SITREP – https://rumble.com/v39uo80--2023-08-18-special-report-nino-w-dr.-jan-halper-us-military-calculating-th.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=6

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