2021-12-20 - MPS Board Meeting - Renita's Public Comment

9 months ago

Here is a link to the whole MPS Board Meeting and documents:

Good evening. This is my 6th Board meeting for the record.

I asked Mr. Sharrow for a copy of his signed oath of office that he referenced in his letter which I received last week. His stated: “I really do not need to provide my personal education certificate to you, that is a bit much asking for my personal information.’ He reviewed his certificate, didn’t see too much personal information so attached it.” There is nothing ‘personal’ about this oath, other than a commitment to uphold and follow a code of ethics which he signed. All educators take such an oath and sign it and record it with the school district and the MI Department of Education.

On the other hand, my husband and I met with John Hatfield last week. Thank you for taking the time to meet with us. He asked me if I was vaccinated. I am not the least bit sure why an elected official felt he had the right to ask me a personal medical question, as it certainly should have no bearing on me meeting with a board member or speaking at public meetings. I would say this Mr Sharrow was ‘more than a bit much of my personal information’ to be requested, for the record.

Another topic of discussion with Mr. Hatfield was about the emails and letters that I have written to the Board. He told me that you receive more emails from me than anyone else. He said he tries to read my letters, but they make no sense, they are all over the place and he can’t follow them. He also said that I reference some non-credible sources, so he doesn’t bother to check them out. Yet I have heard multiple requests over several months for the sources that Mr. Sharrow uses and a desire to work with him on his mask decisions, but have seen no evidence of these sources.
John then asked if I have anyone read my letters before I send them to the Board. I said that I do actually. Then he looks at Joe and asks him if he reads my letters before I send them to the Board. It was as though I need approval from my husband to send them. So if anyone here would like copies of my emails or would like to proof future ones, just see me or contact me after the meeting.

Finally, both Jon Lauderbach and John Hatfield made reference in the past month to the fact that they are just ‘Volunteers’, that they don’t have time for long meetings, or to allow parents and community the allotted time to speak according to the Bylaws. I am confused as to why people would run for an elected position, if they are not willing to put in the time required to do the job properly, lawfully and according to their Oaths. Perhaps you do not belong on this board. All of you are welcome to resign if you do not have time for your elected position. We need people committed to serving the children of this community, not hidden agendas and indoctrination. The public needs to pay attention and decide wisely next time you vote.

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