Muslim Sheikh’s Receives First Communion - Charging 65k To Be a Surrogate

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Catholic Drive Time - 877-757-9424

Date – Tuesday, September 19th, 2023 – Our Lady of La Salette

1. **Near the Fountain:** On a mountainside near a dried-up fountain, two children, Maximin and Melanie, fell asleep while watching over their cows. Melanie awoke and called Maximin when she couldn't find their cows.

2. **Apparition of the Beautiful Lady:** As they climbed the slope to look for their cows, they saw a globe of fire where they had slept. It opened to reveal a woman, the Beautiful Lady, who appeared sorrowful, seated with her head in her hands.

3. **Children's Fear:** Melanie and Maximin were initially frightened. Maximin considered using his shepherd's staff to defend themselves.

4. **The Beautiful Lady's Invitation:** The Beautiful Lady beckoned the children not to be afraid and approached them as they approached her. She spoke to them in French, reassuring them.

5. **Description of the Beautiful Lady:** The Lady was described as tall and radiant, dressed in local attire with roses on her head, a diadem, a heavy chain on her shoulders, and a crucifix with a hammer and pincers on a golden chain.

6. **The Message Begins:** The Beautiful Lady began to convey a message to the children. She expressed her sorrow and warned that if people did not repent and pray, her Son's arm would fall in judgment.

7. **Observations of the Locals:** The locals of the region, who were skeptical about the story, began to realize that something significant had happened when Melanie and Maximin recounted their experience. The mayor of La Salette, Monsieur Peytard, was among the first to believe.

8. **The Investigation:** The local ecclesiastics and civil authorities, as well as journalists, investigated the children's story. They questioned the witnesses, trying to find inconsistencies but found none.

9. **Bishop's Judgment:** After five years of investigation, Bishop Philibert de Bruillard of Grenoble declared that the apparition bore the characteristics of truth, and the faithful had grounds to believe it.

10. **The Meaning of the Message:** The text concludes by emphasizing that an apparition is not a part of the deposit of faith but a supernatural sign. It calls for discernment and emphasizes the importance of understanding the message in the light of the Holy Spirit's action in our day and the perspective of our faith.

To confide against all appearances and to believe after all the delays is what God requires of those with whom He selects to make His alliance. This is the great teaching of La Salette. This is the spirit we should ask to receive on the feast day of Our Lady of La Salette: to have a blind confidence in her promise and to be certain that its fulfillment will come.

Our Lady of La Salette, pray for us!

INTRO – Happy Tuesday

When someone uses the OH MY GOD statement. I say Praise be His Holy Name. I dare you to say it.

And – at 15 past the hour, I saw a billboard for surrogacy charging 65k to be a surrogate

Also – at 30 past the hour, A Muslim Sheikh’s receives First Communion...but does not convert

Oh Yeah – at 45 past the hour, Apple weird mother earth ad

Plus – in the next hour, The Spirit World

As always – we have the fear and trembling game show with a prize from

My grandfather’s cancer

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