Cures Without Side Effects Podcast Series: Healing with the mind - Part 1

1 year ago

This Podcast explains the concepts behind Healing using the mind and consciousness.
Mind, Pure Being, all encompassing Awareness (or God) is the source of all phenomena and apprehended reality, it is the potentiality of all events, meanings and circumstances and it is beyond all dualistic apprehensions of subjects and objects, time and space. Mind is the source of all aspects of sentient beings consciousness, the source of the conscious and the subconscious mind as we understand it in Western neuro - science and psychology and the source of all physical and non physical forms. On the other hand, consciousness or mind (in lower case), as we understand it in Western terminology, is the offspring of Mind, it is the radiation or effulgence of Mind,.
Nevertheless, by using consciousness or mind and by knowing the Laws of Reality, we can affect our general health. In this podcast we explore a few different methods according the Wisdom Hermetic tradition of knowledge.
More detailed information about health topics you can refer to my books: "Cure Without Side effects" and "Low Dose Medicine" by following these links:


For more detailed information on the Laws of Reality and Mind refer to my books here:

DISCLAIMER: Nothing contained in this Podcast is intended nor can be taken to diagnose, treat, or cure of any disease. It is for informational purposes only. Always seek professional help.

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