A woman on a high-speed train gripped a man's throat after he criticized Communist China

9 months ago

9/13/2023 According to a video circulating online, a woman on a high-speed train used her hand to grip a man's throat after he criticized Communist China, demanding that he apologize. Such outrageous behavior is not a problem with the Chinese people but rather a result of decades of brainwashing by the CCP.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/13/2023 网传视频显示,高铁上一名男子批评中共国后竟遭一女子单手锁喉以逼迫其道歉。这样疯狂的举动并不是中国人的问题,而是中共对中国人数十年的洗脑所造成的!
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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