Root Chakra 396hz (healing)

10 months ago

Functions of the Root Chakra

The root chakra functions as the foundation of the body, supporting the solid structure of the bones and the spiritual connection with the Earth and the material world around us. A healthy root chakra maintains physical and mental well-being and allows us to feel safety and security during our journey in life. When the root chakra is not balanced, all other chakras may malfunction.

Trust versus mistrust is closely linked to the development of the body's root chakra. Taking into account the stages of development by psychologist Erik Erickson, for example, if a child's caregiver is of good character and provides the child with what they need, the child will feel secure in the world around them. However, if not, they will feel the opposite.

Within the root chakras, people carry ancestral memories, including difficult stories of war, hunger, and natural disasters. These generational traumas can create behavioral patterns in our own lives, but they can be healed through balancing exercises.

The Kundalini energy lies dormant at the base of the spinal column until awakened by well-being practices such as meditation, asanas, pranayama, and prayer. When the energy flows through the first chakra, people feel grounded and experience increased self-confidence. It also provides a strong foundation for the further development of the other chakras.

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