Nov 15, 2010 🎺 The Lord says... Stop speaking, quiet yourselves and know, I AM HE

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The Lord says… STOP SPEAKING!
Quiet yourselves and know, I AM HE

November 15, 2010 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy During an Online Fellowship, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord your Redeemer… Beloved, consider My words, consider them deeply… No, not according to your own interpretation, or according to your own understanding; nor grab hold of them to make them fit with what you perceive them to be, as though they can in any way be molded… My words are subject to no man, for they do resist conformity!

Beloved, I have formed you!… My breath resides in you. And I have poured out this blessing, so you may begin to see, so you may know My will, so you may hear in your own language, according to how you are able… Beloved, I speak, so you may be drawn to Me! I proclaim it, so the Scripture may be fulfilled in your hearing.

My people must be made aware, the call must go out… And so it is, and has been, since the time of the end began… Yea, since the first moment I opened My mouth to speak, since the first moment I breathed upon My elect, even to the outpouring upon all flesh.

Yet I ask you, do you know? Do you really know Me? DO YOU KNOW?!… Beloved, do you know Me?! Have you considered that which is beyond words? Have you considered the love of your Father and the power thereof? Do you know Me?… Have you sat still, and listened to the music of My heart toward you?… My tears that fall gently, making soft tones upon the strings we share? Beloved, do you not see who I AM?!… Do you not understand what My body is?!… As The Son can in no wise be separated from The Father, neither can one of you be separated from Me!

See with greater eyes, open your ears and listen, reach out with your heart to understand… You were made for Me! Yet I tell you, it is much more… Much more! I am He through whom you were made, yes, My breath has given you life. Yet there is more… There’s more, beloved!

What are children to their parents? Are they not formed in their image, flesh of their flesh?… Born, then shaped by that which they see and receive, in accordance with their understanding? Yet the bond they share, is it of flesh only, defined also by the mind?… Or is it more?…

Nothing, in all creation, can exist apart from Me!… Nor can anything exist outside of Me! I, alone, dwell in the unapproachable light with The Father… I, alone, am The Father manifest in creation… Immanu El. Therefore, again I ask you, do you know Me? Have you really known Me?… Behold, you shall know Me! Yet I tell you, not one of you really know Me, and those in the world remain very far from Me.

For none of you realize that you, little children, are indeed gods… You are God’s!… YOU WERE MADE FROM ME! No one can exist apart from The Vine! No one can exist, unless that which is The Existence and The Life be in them!… You were not just made for Me, you were made from Me! No one can escape Me! No one can run from Me!… Though they hide, though they run, though the darkness closes in, there I am still.

Be deceived no longer… You are My body and of My body. That, by which you were formed, is that which I am… YAHUWAH… He who causes to be… Behold, I am also The Son of Man!… YahuShua. You are the heart of My heart… Shall I cut out My own heart and toss it away? I have loved you from the beginning! My love never ends!… It is who I am, the same as I am!

And those, who choose to be broken off, must be broken off and destroyed, for they have rent the heart of God, a rent which I shall bear forever… For I have loved them, and My love is without end.

Therefore, it is time for you to truly know Me… To know Me as I really am… To know Me according to how I have made you. Shut your eyes, so you may come to see My form… Quiet your minds, so you may hear the sound of My voice And the music which I play for you… Be still… And know… I AM HE. Beloved, stop looking for Me with your eyes, and see! Stop passively listening to My words, and hear! Stop seeking Me with your mind, and know Me! Receive of Me!… Yea, stop speaking, quiet yourselves, and abide in Me.

Grab hold of Me with your hearts, abide in Me as you are, and pull hard upon these strings! Fall deeply in love with Me… No, not according to your flesh… Let go, and fall into Me! Let go of all you hold onto, forever striving to attain… Stop grasping with your flesh! I am poured out for you! Break down these boundaries you have made, and leap!

HERE I AM!… I have been waiting for you!… Not because of that which I see on the surface, nor because of those things you do…

I have waited for YOU!… For I have known you and loved you from the beginning… I see you as you are and have always been… In My bosom, with Me, where I am… Fulfilling My love in you, in ME!… Says The Lord, who is risen up and comes quickly.

I AM HE… In this you shall find Rest & Peace

February 17, 2011 – From YahuShua HaMashiach, He Who is called Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy during an Online Fellowship, for the Lord’s little Flock, and for all Those who have Ears to hear

My sons and daughters, from the beginning I AM WHO I AM, and shall be. Even to the end, I AM HE. From everlasting to everlasting, I AM, says The Lord… In this shall you find rest and know peace.

Therefore, no longer bind yourselves to what you see, nor concern yourselves with the things of this world and its evil ways. Free yourselves by the knowledge I have given you, by the understanding that I AM WHO I AM, freedom in the knowing, I AM HE…

Beloved, I have defeated the world, I have overcome your sins; death is put to death because of Me! Behold, I AM RISEN, death is turned backward; only life is, and shall be!

Lo, I have defeated you also, if you would only surrender your life. For I gave up My life in place of yours, so you may receive of My life. Therefore, I ask you, how long will you withhold? How long will you wait before you let go? When will you fly? When will you believe? BELIEVE, and you shall also know!

Hold onto Me therefore, because I am He who holds onto you… Have I not already told you, „Peace is in the knowing that I AM WHO I AM, and you are in life because of Me?“ Beloved, you were made for Me, created for love’s purpose. I created you in My image, and gave you My breath, My life.

Therefore, this is life… I AM HE!… Beloved, you worry, yet I AM HE. You weep, yet I AM HE. You stumble, yet I AM HE. Your hearts tear and break over all these sorrows, yet I AM HE.

You struggle and are in turmoil, you feel lost, yet I AM HE. You grasp at the wind and have no understanding, yet I AM HE. You are persecuted by those you love, yet I AM HE. The world hates you, yet I AM HE. Everything you have is passing away, yet I AM HE.

Your Eyes become blind, and your ears deaf, death comes to take you into darkness, yet I AM HE! Do you not understand?! I AM ENOUGH! The One who sees, The One who knows!… Everything you suffer, I suffer; every tear you shed, I cry; Everything you long to be, yet are unable, I shall be for you… You are weak, yet I am strong! You fall apart, yet I restore!

You die, and My life rushes in! You sin, and I overcome! You hate, and I forgive! You hurt, and I heal! You turn from Me, yet I remain faithful… No matter the time or the season, in every moment of your life, I AM HE!… My Beloved, I AM HE!… Says The Lord.

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