STAYIN UN-ALIVE. A compilation of the DEAD Vax💉 Pushers🤡 that mocked the Anti-Vaxxers during the BIGGEST PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION in human history.

1 year ago

All these people now qualify for their DARWIN AWARDS. At this rate we might not have any more Social Justice Warriors virtue signalling by 2030 at the rate of the SUDDEN DEATHS.

The New Brunswick Cardiologist Dr Sohrab Lutchmedial who I put up for the headline pic was in very good shape but was on twitter back in late 2021 telling Canadians he would not cry at their funeral and that he would PUNCH any antivaxxer that was trying to convince people NOT to take the KILLSHOT.

I put up these video like this just to show how people are in a TRANCE and are clueless about what they are saying except for REPEATING the Government propaganda like good little Parrots and this is the outcome of that. I showed Videos of Tucker Carlson 10+ years ago where bringing up 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB were almost fighting words for Tucker but everyone WAKES UP when they are ready.
The TV Propaganda is strong when you are UNaware of it influencing your thinking. There is a reason they call it PROGRAMMING and why you have the EVENING NEWS where after work you sit down to watch the EVENING news and that is when you are in the most VULNERABLE "state of mind" for programming and believing. I am sure most of these people are TV watchers.

Source- Jim Crenshaw

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