The Alpha Beta Spectrum

1 year ago

Another one in the books. / It’s sad to see pretty women mess with their perfection through cosmetic alteration. / The HUMP day conundrum: Is it a verb or a noun? / Spicy salsa is good going in and painful going out. / Strange thoughts in the restaurant bathroom. / Dream story about a foot long hair coming out of the ear. / Corey Feldman VIP. / Adam Carolla and Tucker Carlson talk about NATO which led to other ideas and topics. / Rollo and Sartain get real about what women can have in a man.

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0:00 - Intro

13:15 - HUMP DAY!

16:38 - Restroom Stall EXPLOSIONS

20:36 - Foot Long Hair??

21:36 - Wanted to meet Corey Feldman

24:50 - Imperfections with Grammar

28:45 - On Clout

30:30 - Adam Carolla and Tucker Carlson talk about NATO

39:49 - Sartain and Rollo spewing the wisdom

58:42 - Wrap Up

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