Nancy Pelosi Called Out In Public For Being AMERICA LAST, A Warmonger, An Insider Trading God & More

8 months ago

FLASHBACK: Nancy Pelosi Called Out In Public For Being AMERICA LAST, A Warmonger, An Insider Trading God & More

“Nancy, can you tell us why we have over $150 billion going to Ukraine and we have homeless on the streets in your own city? Nancy, can I get some stock trading tips on how to get semiconductors in Taiwan? Nancy, Nancy, why do we, is your son involved with Hunter Biden? That's a very good place for you in the depths of hell.

Congresswoman, I came to see a warmonger, but you're a sad old drunk.

Did you know about that?

Is that how you goddamn war criminal? The whole world knows that Donald Trump won the 2020 election, Nancy! Nancy! Trump won! We all know it! The whole world knows! You're the fraud! You're the fraud!

You're not welcome here! Boo! Velocir! Shame on you! You're not welcome here!

Get back to Jeffrey Epstein's Pedo island Nancy! We're all onto you! Get back to the penal island!”

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