Do Not Sin By Harming the Brethren: 1 Corinthians 8:10-13

1 year ago

This sermon pulls together the theme of chapter 8 which is the knowledge of the elitists which they claim gives them rights to dine with the pagans in their temples. Paul argues that by reclining for a meal in the idol’s temple they ironically “build up” the weak in the church to do the same.

This would have the effect of destroying them. The blows thus inflicted on insecure Christians constitute a sin against Christ. Paul answers this false claim of rights by the elite with their knowledge by stating that he would rather never eat meat again than to cause a brother in Christ to stumble and thus fall.

This sermon lays out the overriding necessity of guarding the well-being of every member of the body of Christ. We also strongly argue for a biblical definition of the church which is grounded in redeemed sinners who have been made part of the body by God’s work of grace.

We use parts of Acts which narrate Paul’s conversion to show that Christ is in solidarity with His people so that attacking them is attacking Christ. Paul’s speech before Agrippa serves to highlight the gospel and the results of true conversion. We must gain a deep love for Christ and His precious flock.

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