Commander Earle

1 year ago

The Hidden Agenda Behind the Allies' Strategy in World War II

Commander Earle once questioned why the Allies didn't take a more direct route to Germany during World War II.

1. The duration of the war would have been shortened by at least a year

2. The lives of more than 100,000 Allied troops would have been spared

3. The United States National Debt, that resulted from the war, would have been greatly reduced

4. the political face of Europe would have been vastly different.

He believed this could have shortened the war, saved lives, reduced national debt, and altered Europe's political landscape.

Colonel Curtis B. Dall, President Roosevelt's son-in-law, shared an electrifying story about Commander George Earle.

One morning there was a knock at his hotel room door. When he opened the door, Earle came fact to face with Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, head of the German Secret Service, and requested an informal conference.

Canaris told Earle that there were many sensible Germans who loved their Fatherland and who greatly disliked Hitler. He and his generals were willing to take an honorable surrender.

"He wouldn't listen to me, or shall I say he wasn't allowed to listen to me! Can you believe it?" speaking of FDR

Earle suggested that the leaders of the United States were under orders from hidden masters.

These masters were more interested in furthering their own goals than in ending the war quickly, even if it meant unnecessary deaths and expenditure.

The men who were outwardly 'leading' the United States -- Roosevelt, Marshall, and Eisenhower - were under strict orders from their hidden masters to conduct the concluding stages of the war in the European 'theater' in such a manner that the goals of the Illuminati would be furthered.

Earle, a decorated World War I veteran and former governor of Pennsylvania, served as American Minister to Austria and Bulgaria.

In 1943, Earle was appointed as Roosevelt's personal naval attache in Istanbul, Turkey.

He proposed a plan to Roosevelt that could have shortened the war by almost two years.

But, according to Earle, Roosevelt wasn't allowed to listen.

In Istanbul, Earle had an unexpected meeting with Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, head of the German Secret Service.

Canaris suggested that if America would accept an honorable surrender from the German Army, the war could end sooner.

Earle sent a coded message to Roosevelt detailing his meeting with Canaris and requested a prompt reply.

But the response from Washington was silence.

Despite multiple attempts to communicate, Earle received no response from his Commander-in-Chief.

Earle's frustration grew as he waited for a response.

He felt that his efforts to expose the truth about Soviet Russia were being ignored.

Despite his best efforts, World War II proceeded along its scheduled course.

After the war, Earle was forbidden by Roosevelt from sharing his views and observations about the Soviets with the public.

This story, hidden for years, reveals a different perspective on the Allies' strategy during World War II.

the war resulted in hundreds of thousands of needless deaths, and the unnecessary expenditure of many billions of dollars.

They view humanity as so much cannon fodder to be used in the accomplishment of their Satanic purpose.

the end minutemen

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