Chapter 1 - "We Know"

1 year ago

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Chapter 1: "We Know"

Line-by-line review of the First Presidency letter on covid-19 vaccine and actions.

References included in this chapter - limited by Description Character count limit. For a full list of hyperlinked references, see E-Book at

3. (0:24)

4. (0:34)

5. (3:40) “Some Latter-day Saints have accused those who promote anti-vaccine rhetoric of apostasy, a term that is associated with wickedness and describes when individuals turn away from church principles,” Sophia Eppolito, Salt Lake City, Associated Press. , 30 Aug 2021

6. (4:10) Dr. Charles Hoffe summed this up: “This pandemic, it is very clear that the forces of evil on this planet have been preparing for this for a long time. But this crisis that they created, with this virus that, even at its very worst, was no more dangerous than the flu, but they created a massive crisis in order to be able to impose what they called ‘safety’, … all of the restrictions were to keep us ‘safe’ from this ‘terrible danger’ that was no worse than the flu. But what this has really done, this has been a moral integrity test. This entire pandemic at every level, with doctors, with health regulators, with the media, with our elected officials, with people in the community, covid-19 has been a moral integrity test” (“Doctors Speaking Out Against the Narrative are being Suspended and Attacked” 56:24-57:25, CHD Europe, Dr. Mark Trozzi, , 11 Jan 2023).

7. (4:43) “A Closer Look At the Covid Mortality Rate”, Ian Miller, Brownstone Institute, Brownstone Institute, 23 Oct 2022.

8. (4:59) “In normal times, medical error would account for more than 5000 deaths per week. But since early 2020, medical error hasn’t killed a single person, if we rely upon news stories and the CDC. It’s all COVID all the time. In normal times, medical errors were the bane of hospital legal departments, but not during the pandemic. Anomalous deaths of people who had at some point tested positive for COVID were not scrutinized, investigated, debated, or litigated over—and there were no autopsies. Everything was automatically a COVID death. And even if we were to accept every single one of those as having been caused by COVID, the stats would remain: Almost all patients whose deaths were attributed to COVID-19 were elderly people already struggling with more than two fatal illnesses.” Gavin de Becker, “Children on the Back of a Mad Elephant” in Lies My Gov’t Told Me: And the Better Future Coming, Robert M. Malone, p. 58-59. Skyhorse Publishing 2022. Kindle.

9. (5:26) ; see also, Characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 patients dying in Italy Report based on available data on October 5th , 2021, , p.3.

References 10-31 continued in book:

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