Urban Farming Solution Uses Recycled Water And Helps Save A Lot Of Land

7 years ago

What an amazing idea. In Nigeria, a young woman named Angel Adelaja is revolutionizing the world of agriculture with her urban farming solution. In Nigeria, there has always been difficulty getting products to the market because of road access. Nigeria has some of the worlds most urbanized cities in Africa and there is little land for farming. It is hydroponic technology which means growing the plants in water, it is very eco-friendly and efficient farming. Less water is used because it is being recycled, water isn't going into the ground, rather going in a cycle of feeding the plants, and going into the fish tank many times.

It was very costly to bring the products to the markets so the farming was brought closer. Farming was done in a shipping container. Bringing the farming closer to the city reduces the carbon footprint and the transportation costs. This helps save a lot of land, as the farming is not done in the ground, but is all done in containers, which is very awesome. There is a program called the urban farmers network which consists of many people who have never really been exposed to agriculture, but who want to try it out for themselves.

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