Unions warn of thousands of job losses at cash strapped local councils

9 months ago

Trade unions are warning of thousands of job cuts across local councils as authorities attempt to avoid bankruptcy. As well as tens of millions in cuts to local services, authorities across England are now looking to redundancies and a pause on filling vacancies to make up millions more. With dozens of local councils facing tough choices to avoid following Birmingham City Council into bankruptcy, unions are also fearful of pay cuts to workers in front line services such as refuse collection. Onay Kasab, a national lead officer for the Unite union, told i: “We are certainly looking at thousands of job cuts in local government. This isn’t something that’s happened overnight. This is something that has been building up over years due to the lack of adequate funding from central government. “We’ve had years of cuts to local budgets which have led to services being cut to the bone.” Mr Kasab added that many local authorities had already reduced staff numbers through offering early retirement, via voluntary redundancies and by not filling vacant positions.


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