Exploring our Backyard

4 years ago

Exploring our backyard. Every once in a while you need to take a few steps back, slow things down, contemplate and explore your own backyard safely and responsibly. Enjoy your favorite activities, head back to your favorite brewery or restaurant, explore a new trail, and most of all be EPIC.

Welcome to Vancity Adventure!

VANCITY ADVENTURE WEBSITE: https://www.vancityadventure.ca/
STICKERS: https://vancityadventure.ca/shop
SWAG: https://teespring.com/stores/vancity-adventure

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131-19567 Fraser Hwy
Surrey, BC Canada V3S 9A4

EMAIL: info@vancityadventure.ca
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(Please Attach a Personal Note for a Reply from us)

WHAT WE USE ON OUR ADVENTURES: https://vancityadventure.ca/faqs

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/toshathepug
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/tosha.the.pug

I am Daryl, a travel & adventure filmmaker. I’m one-third of the Treo behind Vancity Adventure, a YouTube channel, exploring the world with my son Cayden and Tosha the Pug (sometimes my wife).

We set out on this adventure in April of 2020 to film our adventures and create videos that motivate and inspire. Our mission from the start was to inspire people and to be honest in all we do.

Adventure is right around the corner! Let’s get outside, explore, and make new friends. We cannot wait to go on this vancityadventure with you!

Daryl, Cayden & Tosha
Your Vancity Adventure Crew

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► Email: info@vancityadventure.ca

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#ExploringBackyard #Adventure #VancityAdventure

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