Prudence and Resourcefulness | Numbers 5 Bible Study

1 year ago

The Israelites did not have the benefit of all of the "science" we have today. They did their best to keep their community safe based on their knowledge at the time. As they gained more knowledge, they altered how they dealt with people. By the time of the New Testament, they were not isolating people into colonies. Matthew 8 When Jesus came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. 2 A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”

And in the story in Matthew we also see that the man did not sit in a corner and pray and hope for healing! He got up, he submitted himself to Jesus, he asked for and was willing to accept healing.

In this Numbers 5 Bible Study, we'll be exploring topics such as prudence and resourcefulness, love and compassion, and wisdom and understanding. This is a great Bible study to join if you're looking to grow in your pastoral ministry. Whether you're a pastor or aspiring pastor, this Numbers 5 Bible Study will help you develop skills that will help you serve God and your community better!

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Love=God. God=Good Orderly Direction. Good Orderly Direction/G-O-D/Love PERFECTS (1 Corinthians 13:4-7; Galatians 5:22; Matthew 5:2-10) us and leads us toward abundance.

Prudence (patience + wisdom)
Earnestness (integrity)
Respect of self and other
Forgiveness of self and other
Endurance (courage)
Selflessness/Meekness is a wonderful online resource with dozens of versions of the bible, both protestant and Catholic in English and Spanish. has multiple commentaries on each chapter and verse to spur your knowledge and inquiry.

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