China Naval Capacity - the new Goliath #usa #china #navy

11 months ago

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China Naval Capacity - the new goliath - 0:00
Comparing Battle Force Compositions - 1:07
Quantity Versus Quality - 2:54
Implications for the US - 4:27
Conclusion - Navigating Uncharted Waters - 5:57

China Naval Capacity - the new goliath?
In the dynamic landscape of global power balances, there's no more visual and arguably visceral representation than the navy. Ships are not just a display of a nation's military might, but also its economic prowess and strategic interests. A recent leaked US Navy intelligence briefing slide set the defense world abuzz. China, it seems, has the capacity to build People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) combat ships at a rate exponentially higher than the US. But what does this really mean for the future of naval dominance? According to the leaked briefing slide, China's shipyards have an astonishing capacity of over 23.2 million tons, dwarfing the US capacity, which is less than 100,000 tons. If these numbers are to be believed, China's shipbuilding capacity is 232 times greater than that of the US. This capacity differential paints a picture of a staggering potential difference in naval strength, especially considering the pace at which ships can be produced.

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