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Ep. 114 The Matrix, Surviving Abuse and Clearing Negative Energy (with Marie Autiello)

1 year ago

Here in this video I talk to Marie Autiello about the food in the United States; 'The Matrix' all around us; the enslavement of us though government & 'reptilians'; David Icke; millon of people waking up (spiritually), partly because people had to be at home (during lockdowns); she recommends meditation; letting things go; going out in nature; looking directly into the sun 'Sun gazing'; surviving sexual abuse; aliens; David Wilcox; people who present themselves as spiritual, but are fake (evil); sacred geometry; smudging, incense, clearing in your mind; 1:05:00 healing demonstration; pornography & negative energy; the vaccine & choosing to heal "vibe up"; free masterclass; ascension.

Marie's link tree: https://linktr.ee/billiondollarhealer


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