Beware of the Witchcraft of Opinions...

1 year ago

A few days ago, I listened to a short message from another minister of the Lord as he spoke of what is probably one of the most dangerous forms of witchcraft active in our society today... This form of witchcraft works through the two aspects of manipulation and manipulation for the most part but there is also a seductive aspect associated with it as well... The spell of the power of Opinions...

Opinions are like the noses on peoples faces and everybody has one. And also like the noses on peoples faces, people like to place their nose in your business and place their opinion right into your business... The Apostle Paul was speaking of marriage from the point of view from God to the Corinthian Church. Then he made sure to address the fact in his teaching, that it was his opinion and not God's that people remain single as he was... Not God's Word but an injection of his own personal opinion, but he made sure and differentiated between the two... Yet today and probably the same back in the early Church times, peoples opinions have played a part in shaping the churches from denominational splits to false gospels and counterfeit holy spirits... Again Paul has warned of receiving the seducing doctrines of demons, false gospels of angels, as well as following different mens teachings... Today we have a spirit of offense running rampant in this world and in the Church, all based upon the opinions of man. For the most part the church has been manipulated through this witchcraft of opinions that the churches won't stand firm in the Word of God for the fear of offending this group or that group of peoples... So many churches are spreading false gospels and acting in counterfeit so called holy spirits manifesting false signs and wonders to seduce people into people friendly, seeker friendly gatherings and demonic activities...

We all, at least for the most part agree with John 1:1 that in the beginning was the Word and that Word was with God and the Word was God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us... Yet when it comes down to the True and Fullness of the Gospel of The Kingdom of Heaven, churches base their individual church or denominational charters on their own fleshly opinions, instead of the of Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday, today and forever...

The power of this witchcraft of opinion has divided the children of God into accepting opinion based doctrines and activities. Yet there a Spirit of Truth, who does not even speak of His own opinion. He speaks only what God tells Him to speak because He is God's very own Spirit... Just as Jesus said, I do not speak on My own but only what the Father tells me to speak...

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