The Empire of Kasach english EP 37

9 months ago

Chapter 72: Exploring the Kaph Menace
Tension mounts in the ancient chamber of the Empire as a mysterious new spell, the infamous Kaph Menace, manifests in the Luan Yun Di system. Diplomat Lin Zhuge has taken it upon herself to decipher the language and communication of these strange creatures in order to figure out their movement. Divine Imperatrix Sevia Heimber agrees to investigate the Kaph threat, and Lin Zhuge introduces herself to the Empress, claiming to have no intentions of revealing the myths.

Chapter 73 - The Unveiling of the Next Ascension Perk
In the Imperial Chamber, the mighty halls are filled with excitement as the Emperor reaches the ears of the Chamber members. The Slow Learning team leads an evolutionary journey that transforms the mind over the material world. Divine Imperatrix Sevia Heimber emphasizes the possibility of entangling our true potential, while Defense Minister Paulina Romero warns that such powers can be effortlessly perverted once they fall into the hands of the wrong people.

Chapter 74: The Revelation on Pludgeou I
In the EK Ibn Battuta conference room, analysis of Pludgeou I revealed massive explosions several kilometers long, indicating a possible attack on a planet. The destruction indicates that the weapons are apocalyptic and could be used against inhabited worlds. The situation escalates and the crew becomes increasingly distressed as they are forced to gather more information before the reprehensible weapon can wreak further havoc.

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