1 year ago

America Enters the War

In 1940 and 1941, the Axis Powers, Germany and Italy, held Europe in their grasp.

Following their invasion of Russia, large sections of the country fell under German control.

Congressman Hamilton Fish, a top Republican at the time, noted that some believed it was America's duty to aid the British Empire.

Fish described FDR's pro-war policy as a bird feigning a broken wing to distract enemies.

He proclaimed his love of peace and hatred of war, but war was in his mind. Fish

his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords' Psalm 55:4

FDR sent a war ultimatum to Japan on November 26, 1941, demanding the withdrawal of all troops from Indo-China and China.

"Japan was unable to buy rice, oil, rubber, tine and other commodities in nearby nations, is still an unsolved paradox"

This ultimatum was withheld from Congress until after Pearl Harbor.

Prince Kenoye, repeatedly requested to come to Washington or Honolulu to meet with President Roosevelt. He was willing to agree to the US terms to keep out of War but FDR refused to talk with the Japanes Prime minister simply because he was determined to get into war with Japan.

The ultimatum left Japan no alternative but war.

Despite his actions, FDR assured the American public that their boys would not be sent into any foreign wars.

"While I am talking to mothers and fathers, I give you one more assurance. I have said this before, and I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars" FDR.

FDR's deception of the American people was an immoral and infamous act. Fish

When Washington led the nation into war against the wishes of 85 percent of the American people, the plans of the International Conspirators were assured of success.

When the Warlords or Washington and the International Conspirators were assured of Success the powers that be laid plans for America's entry into War.

The end minutemen

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