The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. Jesus Wept, And Laughed!

1 year ago

Nehemiah 8:10
New International Version
10 Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

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Once again Warriors Of Light, We remind you that the Joy of the Lord is strength. Biblical historians believe that Jesus was the one with the apostles how cut up the most. In other words he would laugh, joke, prank (in the best way) and be the ringleader of this sometimes "fun bunch".

Let's laugh, and Rock!

Video Credits:
Jesus Had A Sense Of Humor. Scotty K
DryBar Comedy
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@ Amazon -
Dry Bar Comedy

Sacred Warrior - Kamikaze
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@ Amazon -

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The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth.
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