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1 year ago

Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat The Real Story Behind World War II

World War II, a period of "blood, toil, tears and sweat," is a subject of countless books and discussions.

Yet, the real story behind this devastating war often remains untold.

The official history books of America, Germany, Japan, and Britain often paint a picture that doesn't align with the real causes and purposes of the war.

Vital information is often withheld, leading to a state of confusion about World War II.

Over the years, the true story has slowly emerged, like pieces of a complicated jigsaw puzzle.

The 'big picture' is now so clear that many regret not grasping it earlier.

The real story of the war emerges with the insights provided by individuals who were in a unique position to witness what was happening backstage.

These 'bit' players provide invaluable information, helping us understand the true significance of what was happening politically and militarily.

When Hitler's Germany launched its invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, World War II was set in motion.

Under the terms of treaties signed years earlier, England and France were obligated to enter the war on the side of the Poles.

Russia invaded Poland on September 17. Hitler and Stalin partitioned Poland on September 29.

In the West, the Germans were condemned as Vicious Hun' and 'savage aggressors.'
The Russian action was downplayed or ignored.
Shortly, Hitler was categorized as a 'blood-thirsty guttersnipe' and mass murderer Joseph Stalin emerged as 'Uncle Joe.'

the reason was simple, the 'theater' managers and the scriptwriters were feverishly lining up the 'good guys and the 'bad guys' in preparation for their newest worldwide extravaganza.

The forecast of Lord Curzon and Lloyd-George, made following the signing of the Versailles treaty, was soon to become a reality. and multiple millions of innocent people would die so that the Illuminati could achieve their goal of conquering the world closer to reality.

The conquest and partition of Poland was followed by what Churchill termed "a prolonged and oppressive pause' during which Germany, France, and England each showed a deep reluctance to be the first to be openly hostile.

"We contented ourselves with dropping pamphlets to rouse the Germans to a higher morality. This strange phase of the war...astonished everyone" Winston Churchill, The Gathering Storm p. 376. Prime Minister Chamberlain described this period of non action as "the twilight war."

A treaty has been describe by Professor Stuart Crane as 'an agreement to go to war before you know what the conditions are."
That is an excellent description of the trap into which the European nations had been led by the power-crazed money monopolists.

These monopolists were determined to use the ensuing bloodbath as a part of their worldwide 'urban renewal' program. The nations of Northern Europe, the countries of the British Empire, and the United States - although its citizens were unaware of it at the time.

were bound by treaties are secret agreements to embroil themselves in the planned conflict. History records that none of the reasons for entering the struggle are valid.

History also records that, as we shall see, all the objectives of the Illuminati/International Banker/Zionist cabal were achieved prior to the end of hostilities, or shortly thereafter.

The 'phony war' lasted until May 10, 1940, in which Neville Chamberlain, in broken health and the victim of unrelenting attacks was forced to resign.

His place as head of the British government was taken by Winston Churchill, who only months before, had made his miraculous political comeback.

Events immediately mushroomed into a widespread 'hot war' with a British air attack on Germany.

The real story of World War II is not just about the battles and the politics.

Britain had been planning an air offensive on Germany since 1936.

On June 14, the Germans entered Paris and found the city undefended. France and Germany signed an armistice at Compiegne.

I had nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. Winston Churchill

This statement meant different things to different groups.

It's about the hidden powers, the secret agreements, and the manipulation of public perception.

To the elite, it meant victory was necessary for the survival of the British Empire.

To the masses, it sounded like a patriotic call to rally around the flag.

The real story of World War II is a complex tapestry of hidden truths, political maneuvering, and individual courage.

It's about the individuals who dared to tell their stories, providing us with much-needed insight into world affairs.

Within two weeks of assuming the the leadership of the British government, Churchill issued orders that later led to the establishment of the State of Israel.

On May 23, he instructed the Colonial Secretary, Lord Lloyd, that the British troops in Palestine be withdrawn and 'the Jews armed in their defense and properly organized as speedily as possible."

Churchhill's abrupt about-face from his former position [1922 White Paper] ran into serious opposition from members of his own Cabinet, particularly Lord Lloyd whom Churchill describes as "a convinced anti-Zionist and pro-Arab."

Churchill justified his new "arm the Jews" policy by stating that the "probably more than twenty thousand troops in Palestine was the price Britain was paying for the anti-Jewish policy which has been persisted in for some years. "

noted at the time, "Arms were more precious than diamonds in England. The armies rescued from France were without weapons and disorganized...the whole island contained barely 500 field guns and 200 tanks.

The future seeds of bloodlust in the Middle East was sown as a result of these covert agreements.

As Douglas Reed points out, "Behind the scenes, under cover of war in Europe, arms were underway to the Zionists and this secret process was to determine the shape of the future. From this moment neither the top-line politicians, if they rebelled, nor the hard-pressed responsible officials had the power to prevent Zionism from planting in Palestine a time-bomb that may yet blow up in the second half of the 20th century.

the end minutemen

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