Feelings TRUMP thoughts

9 months ago

Day 18 - Feelings Trump Thoughts - Take ownership of your feelings

We are in full control of our feelings. In any given moment we always have a choice to create our reality

Our body is the container of our feelings

The mind Controls the body

So When our body is calm and at peace, we know we are one with our Soul.

Soul Set the Mind, so the Mind sets the body.

When our body is calm, our mind can do what it does best and that is to create. The imagination

The Body Remembers
The Soul Experiences
And the Mind Creates

Create for the Soul, allowing the body to be in flow.

We now know we are in charge of our thoughts, which means we are in full control of our feelings

Imagine your body is a genie. All the feelings are within your genie. What is inside your body manifests.

Knowing that you are in control, what feelings do you want to manifest and what can you remove from your genie

Bring awareness to those feelings, can you get them out through words, writing or any other way of expressing yourself in flow. Painting, singing, exercising.

It is all energy.

Any words, writings or numbers, are all mind. Mind gives these words meaning, so that we are able to communicate our feelings.

Which means words can never be the full truth.

Meaning that if we are influenced by other peoples words, we are choosing to react.

Knowing we are in full control is very empowering and decisions can be made more effortlessly with the knowing of how you feel

What awareness can you bring to the feelings you want to et go from your genie?

Think of a past moment of joy. What comes first?

The attention of the past (soul) awareness
The image of that moment (mind) imagination
The feelings of that image (body)inner feelings

The more awareness you bring to the thought and feelings, individually or as one, the more understanding you will get.

Observe the thoughts and notice the feelings

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