Explaining The Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ - The Letter to Ephesus (The Loveless Church)

1 year ago

Ephesus was located on the coastal region of modern day Turkey. It was the most important Greek city in Asia Minor. It was situated south of the Cayster River. It was taken by Alexander the Great 333 BC and prospered throughout the Hellenistic period. It passed to Rome in 133 BC and under the emperor Augustus became the capital of the Roman province of Asia. In the Imperial era, Ephesus became the seat of the Roman government in the new province of Asia. It was the fourth greatest city in the world and the province's main commercial town. It was politically known as "the Supreme Metropolis of Asia" and “the Vanity Fair of the Ancient World.”
It was also the center of mother goddess worship of western Asia.
The Ephesus church was founded in the first century AD and was the recipient of one of Paul's epistles. It became the head of the Seven Churches in western Asia Minor, led by Apostle Timothy and the third most important city of Christianity in its time, after Jerusalem and Antioch. During his second missionary voyage, Apostle Paul visited Ephesus and stayed for two years.
The Goths destroyed the city and temple in AD 262; neither ever recovered. There are extensively excavated ruins at the modern site.

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