'What Happens If You Cross the Line at Area 51 #2' - 2012

1 year ago

Published on Oct 30, 2012
#1 https://rumble.com/embed/v36w1h9/?pub=111rd3

"BBC Film Crew Arrested Sneaking into Nevada's Area 51 'UFO Base'

Military personnel arrested a BBC film crew at the secret Area 51 military base in Nevada where UFO conspiracy theorists claim US authorities are keeping bodies of aliens and debris of an ET "flying disc" that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
The crew was trying to sneak into the base while filming a BBC documentary "UFO: Conspiracy Road Trip," to be aired Monday.

According the Daily Mail, the 12-member film crew included Irish comedian Andre Maxwell and UFO conspiracy theorist Darren Perks.

They were arrested after they had sneaked past the security perimeter, and were forced to lie on the ground for three hours while officials at the base carried out identification checks.

According to Darren Perks, the crew was touring California, Arizona and Nevada with Andre Maxwell and four other UFO enthusiasts. They visited Area 51 to do a night watch to see if they could film anything unusual. According to Darren, the crew arrived at the base on May 14 at about 5 p.m.

Perks said they drove to Rachel, the nearest town to Area 51, then to the "Back Gate" of the base known as "Rachel Gate NTTR Boundary North," where they stopped their bus about 50 meters from the security perimeter and began filming.

The Daily Mail reports Darren said:
"There was no one around, no guards, no vehicles - nothing. We filmed for approximately 30 minutes and tried to call the guards but there was no one there and no sign of them. So we all decided to walk past the barriers onto the restricted area past the security huts and basically onto Area 51. Nothing happened..."

After they had filmed for another 30 minutes, one of the members of the crew said she saw guards eating dinner and watching TV in one of the security huts. The guards apparently saw them but did nothing. But when a crew member walked to the hut door and knocked, armed guards rushed and forced the crew members to lay on their faces at gunpoint.

The security guards searched them and confiscated their wallets, phones, IDs and film equipment.The crew members were forced to lie on the ground for three hours while the officials checked their credentials. After their credentials had been checked, they were taken to the sheriff's office where they were issued tickets and lectured on the consequences of their action. Darren said they were fined £375 each.

He said: "We were told that this incident was so serious that Washington had to call London to advise that 12 'Brits' had just breached security at America's most top-secret military base and that we all were at one point going to jail for six months."

The crew were released at about 11:30 p.m. and allowed to leave on their tour bus. The Sun reports Darren said that while their things were being signed off, he talked to one of the guards who said: "Listen, son, we could make you disappear and your body would never be found."

Another guard told him there were detectors on the ground that could detect vehicles and people approaching the base. The guard implied that they knew the crew was approaching and that they were being monitored.

According to The Sun, Darren admitted that in spite of the risk they took, "We didn't see anything except a bit of tarmac."
(EDITORS NOTE - there is no "tarmac" i.e. aircraft runway at the back gate. When he says "tarmac" he means paved road surface.)

Digital Spy reports that the BBC series "UFO: Conspiracy Road Trip," will debut on BBC Three on Monday, October 15 at 9 p.m."

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