Self ⚓ Guidon 047 (Suicide is Painless)

10 months ago

#Mercury ◄ 63. #agrauleó ►
Strong's Concordance
agrauleó: to live in the fields
Original Word: ἀγραυλέω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: agrauleó
Phonetic Spelling: (ag-row-leh'-o)
Definition: to live in the fields
Usage: I spend the night in the open, bivouac.

◄ 63. #Abel Hashshittim ►
Strong's Concordance
Abel Hashshittim: a place in the lowlands of Moab
Original Word: אָבֵל הַשִּׁטִּים
Part of Speech: Proper Name Location
Transliteration: Abel Hashshittim
Phonetic Spelling: (aw-bale' hash-shit-teem')
Definition: a place in the lowlands of Moab

#Saturn ◄ 53. #hagnos ►
Strong's Concordance
hagnos: free from ceremonial defilement, holy, sacred
Original Word: ἁγνός, ή, όν
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: hagnos
Phonetic Spelling: (hag-nos')
Definition: free from ceremonial defilement, holy, sacred
Usage: (originally, in a condition prepared for worship), pure (either ethically, or ritually, ceremonially), chaste.

◄ 53. #Abishalom ►
Strong's Concordance
Abishalom: "my father is peace," two Israelites
Original Word: אֲבִישָׁלוֹם
Part of Speech: Proper Name Masculine
Transliteration: Abishalom
Phonetic Spelling: (ab-ee-shaw-lome')
Definition: "my father is peace", two Israelites


As thoughts unwind, self finds a clue
That most not least is right with you

Truth does evade the common stage
And often leads self into rage

When Spirit feeds on light not dark
self sees living in perspective's spark

The lessons close attention yields
Bring self within light's bright field

So take the gift so hard to see
That most not least is right with thee

Your thoughts are not your self in you
They are illusions stuck with glue

This truth you seek cannot be grasped
No box contains it with a clasp

Light and Dark are but two faces
Of the same Mobius traces

You have no lessons to complete
No place to go, just keep your seat

There is no gift to be received
Inside your heart resides the seed


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