Trump Is Still Connected To Big Pharma

9 months ago

In 2020 Trump bragged that he was the Father of Vaccines and was going to Warp Speed to bring them about. He also publicly told everyone that he had invested in them. This is the main reason he continued to push them for years even though death rates and injuries were skyrocketing once the vaccines were rolled out.

I voted for Trump in 2020... but never again! Please post below who else you would consider being a good president that is...
1) for a 100% total ban on Abortion...
2) for a 100% total ban on ALL Covid related vaccines & new variants which have killed multi-millions of people worldwide.
3) We need to pass a bill nationwide that prohibits media, politicians, corporations to issue any medical mandates including from the Unelected W.H.O. (which is not medical entity but a Trojan horse for the Globalist WEF elite to usher in worldwide holocaust and worldwide marxist, fascist, communist tyrannical takeover. Do the research on the W.H.O.)

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