150,000 hours gamed: GoodNewsJim with #1 world Dr. Mundo Mastery, fun times!

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Banned on Twitch for standing for peaceful protestors Hong Kong and Women's Rights.

#1 Senna NA mastery & made the first 3 pro builds.

Also #1 world Starcraft all races, Warcraft3 all races, Diablo2 HC 3 characters, C&C3, SC2 2v2. Proof: https://crystalfighter.com/a.html

Many say the GOAT. And I know the Spirit of Jesus is real. Love's the way. Be good and loving to all. Proof of God: www.goodnewsjim.com

Gaming since age 3, coding since age 4, designing since age 6.

Author of "I didn't Start the Baron": https://rumble.com/v34ufhw-final-version-of-i-didnt-start-the-baron.html?mref=sbycb&mc=11sm2

Exposer of Rigged Loser Queue & RIOT's desperate attempt to cover it up despite owning a patent: www.crystalfighter.com/x.html

Proof of Senna pro builds:
1) Senna Pro build: A guy discovered that I posted the Pro undying grasp mallet build here: old.reddit .com/r/sennamains/comments/e8otyl/grasp_of_the_undyingultimate_hunter_senna_any/fsp814u/

2) Senna Pro build: I shifted the entire meta to rageblade/crack kiten with this video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfM6SEd99w4 Pros literally were using everything else til this date of my youtube with 1000+ views, and then shifted. You can do some searching online for dates and see this is correct:





All these before my video did not do rage blade/krack kitten slayer.

3) First user to make Locket of Iron Solari a Senna item months before nerf.

4) Did Shurelia Fiddlesticks first. The dumb pro teams ran it even after it was nerfed showing their coaches/managers don't know how to read patch notes.

5) Invented Kathus Spelltheif top when it was a thing

6) Argued vs Hive mind that HOB trist was better than PTA and you never win vs hivemind even when you're right.

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