'Lauryn HIll's Career Killed By Illuminati Because She Took a Stand for The Truth!' - 2013

1 year ago

Published on Mar 10, 2015
by The Vigilant Christian

"Lauryn Hill was a popular artist in the music industry who's career was destroyed because she did not compromise and took a stand for truth! In this video we look at the REAL reason why her career has faded away! How the elite controllers of this sick and twisted industry took her out. Please share this video !! God Bless, STAY VIGILANT & FEAR NO EVIL !!!

DMX Persecuted by Satanic Illuminati Hellywood Cult EXPOSED !!! Don't Believe The Mainstream Media! http://youtu.be/yoVJzBjBNYQ

Katt Williams Speaks out about The Illuminati in the entertainment industry! http://youtu.be/WW0huqzklH8

SONG - Lauryn Hill Exposes the Industry - (I get out of your boxes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W15uu...

Lauryn Explains Why She Left The Music Industry -http://necolebitchie.com/2012/06/laur...
(Lauryn Hill Gets 3 Months) The real reason why.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0pmz...

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Shawn Y - https://www.youtube.com/user/icejiuji...

Round SaturnsEye - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Et...

Brother Steve @ Bluemarin Music - https://www.youtube.com/user/marineau...

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