I Got Blood On That Situation - and other song rehearsals 12-20-2020 independent rock lome marsupial

1 year ago

Hi so from 12-20-2020 , here, are some more tracks
being heard from the video camera,
and not the audio interface files.

Those are located on a drive I think I may! be able to find.

These are uploads from demos or song recording sessions.
Not like you care! but, if you want to know!,
basically I sit down and have a few notebooks maybe,
or not always, and play songs out.
and let it go that way, sitting, playing, recording.
Maybe 2-3 takes if I like one,
but they change a bit even in the multiple takes.

Then if anything is fine and good I strip those files out
and will overlay them.
So that's what this is.

Sometimes it's not so easy to match up the separately recorded audio file,
much as presently displayed. Yet I was having an insomnia and surely
found this and am posting it just as so regardless.

First song is "I Got Blood On That Situation"
and obviously, I guess you'd say,
it's just raw rock revival. Or however you put it.
I'm kinda fucked here, eh, with playing how I play or what I play
and expecting it to "go alright" with the modern crowd
or whatever this world is these days.

But well I don't know. It's what I'm playing and like to play, and it's how I have fun, mostly, the most fun.
So it musically comes out how it's meant to as songs.
Honestly on earth I think we are all doomed save for some miracle, anyhow, so do I care anymore about like selling sounds or image or this or that?
Most other bands and socializing in general I again state makes me want to vomotise. I mean that in a nice way.
Just everything I like or like and find an inspiration is dead for the most part I think.

This phrase "Take the Night back, for all Werewolves", see, that's something I like.
One song I cut was "I am the Patriarchy," or something akin to that, also. Surfing whichever double standards do exist.
Social criticism is not pretty much offed by the "new" rockers" and they are all boring as hell, which I keep ranting about from ala another video I posted.

Well the past decade of "music" had given me this attitude of feeling all over again damnit. Because I grew up poor as fuck. and my dad let me know about all the good albums, and that was a blessing.
I may be able to possibly redeem my sou, you see,
and have been at a place "within"
where making music is the only salvation, in some way,
because all the other people out there with all their little answers,
were all hoodwinkers and scammers and liars and dolts,
and I ain't got anyone to turn to but me.

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