Two Energetic Dogs Play A Fun Game Of Hide-And-Seek With Their Fennec Fox Friend

7 years ago

Whether you're a person, a dog, or even a fox, hide-and-seek is a very fun and entertaining game. It's a great way to break the ice, and get more comfortable with people around you. These two little dogs play hide-and-seek with an unexpected animal, their fennec fox friend. This isn't something you see every day, two dogs and a fox playing hide-and-seek, cool! These dogs don't care who you are, they are just ready to play around and have some fun! Lucky for them, this fox wants to join in on their fun games, awesome! This fox is a great at hiding too, the two dogs are never quite sure which pillows the fox is hiding under, awesome!

The fennec fox is the smallest fox in the world. Like dogs, male fennecs mark their territory with urine. The fennec is also able to survive without water for long periods of time. Their long ears are great for listening to their prey. They tilt their head from side to side which allows them to listen and find the exact location of insects, rodents, and other tasty meals they like to eat. Their big ears not only help them listen to prey, but also keeps them cool in hot climates like the desert. Such incredible animals!

Check out this video of a fennec fox and two adorable little dogs playing a fun game of hide-and-seek together. Too cute!

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