Full Convocation Speech The Happiness Theory NUB Graduation Speech

6 months ago

Distinguished faculty, esteemed guests, proud parents, and, most importantly, the exceptional graduating class of 2020, I am deeply honored to stand before you today as we celebrate your remarkable achievement. This is a momentous occasion, not only for each of you but also for our beloved NUB.

**The Journey of Education:**
As we reflect on your journey through education at NUB, we recognize that learning is much more than the mere acquisition of knowledge. It's about personal growth, self-discovery, and the pursuit of a meaningful life. Education is the compass that guides us toward understanding the world and ourselves.

**The Happiness Theory:**
Today, I'd like to talk to you about something profoundly significant: the Happiness Theory. We live in a world where success is often measured by material wealth, social status, and external achievements. But what if I told you that true success is intimately tied to happiness? The Happiness Theory suggests that the pursuit of happiness should be at the core of our lives.

**The Pursuit of Happiness:**
The pursuit of happiness is not a selfish endeavor; it's a profound responsibility we owe to ourselves and society. Your education at NUB has equipped you not only with academic knowledge but also with the tools to lead a fulfilling life. In the pursuit of happiness, remember these key principles:

**1. Self-Awareness:** Understand who you are, what truly brings you joy, and what aligns with your values. Self-awareness is the first step towards happiness.

**2. Purpose:** Find your purpose, your "why" in life. A life driven by a meaningful purpose is a life fulfilled.

**3. Connection:** Build strong, meaningful connections with others. Relationships are the cornerstone of happiness.

**4. Resilience:** Life will throw challenges at you. Develop the resilience to bounce back stronger each time.

**5. Gratitude:** Practice gratitude daily. Recognize and appreciate the abundance in your life.

**6. Contribution:** Give back to society in whatever way you can. The act of helping others brings immense joy.

**7. Continuous Learning:** Education doesn't stop at graduation. Keep learning, exploring, and growing throughout your life.

As you leave the sheltered halls of NUB and embark on your individual journeys, remember that success is not defined solely by external achievements. True success is found in the pursuit of happiness, in living a life that aligns with your values, and in positively impacting the world around you.

Embrace the Happiness Theory, and may it guide you toward a life filled with meaning, fulfillment, and joy. Your time at NUB has equipped you to embrace this theory fully.

Today, you graduate not only with knowledge but also with the capacity to lead meaningful lives. I have every confidence that you will not just chase success but also prioritize happiness in all its forms.

Congratulations, NUB's Class of 2020, and may your journey be one of everlasting happiness and endless possibilities.

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