SHAMANIC DRAWING (to prepare an emotional state for influencing)

9 months ago

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Shamanic Drawing: using it to prepare energy

Introducing the idea for today: how a drawing created in a certain meditative intentional state can increase energy, set the motion of intent towards solution, and describe with clarity, the energetic relationships involved in a situation.
Kari joins me and I explain the drawing.
It is designed to reveal to me the energy I wished to “see-off’ and transmute. The process of drawing helping to do this. The drawing actually acted as a preparation for Kari and I to work on the situation energetically.

2.00 I show the development of the drawing as I transform myself internally in the realm of feeling; explaining this to Kari.
2.30 I show another image of a “Scream”, which was a transformative drawing, to help me digest and move to a new perspective when I had wanted to scream….
3.20 This is something I have always done since a little girl. Shamanic drawing is ‘ridiculously powerful’
3.31 A Heart drawing to help ease and reveal more information as well as heal another issue.
3.36 The partner drawing, exploring our energetic bodies and the nature of our link- fascinatingly the colours and the style reflect past life and deep DNA bonds and soul territory. Revealing what is, in the relationship and individual structure, in ORDER to understand more deeply and therefore be able to exercise more loving compassion. There can be many complex readings made from such images.
6.22 Back to the original drawing explored, made in preparation for the mission at hand.
6.44 :vaccinations for children where I work.
8.00 By drawing these things, you can SEE energy in them. You reveal the process of energy within circumstances and situations. And, in the time of the drawing, you are changing things.
8.28 Now is the time to become so conscious about WHAT WE ARE ACTUALLY DOING. Kari: “Having our thoughts create things.”
When you MAKE an image it has an impact. When you SEE it, it has an impact.
These things that we make into the designs that we have around ourselves; on your clothing, wallpaper, fabrics…these all have the power to influence and condition us into higher or lower vibrational fields.

9.06 Kari is realising that we can be doing prayers for the world every single day. Which we can, if we are able to keep ourselves stable and clear. SO we need the tools to recognise when we are off-balance and the tools to process ourselves back into alignment. SO THAT WE CAN BE these POWERFUL BEINGS OF GOOD in the WORLD.

10.30 little chat about the addictive behaviours where humans are not allowing themselves to feel the full depth of what they are choosing, resulting in a state of powerlessness….
11.30 How we can often ignore our bodies and our feelings , always to our own detriment.
Kari’s recognition that her, “bad-ass” programming of, “working through the pain and getting the job done”, is not serving her. But ‘we’ did that, because it was what surrounded us- turning the women into ‘semi-men’.
13.00 Kari brings up enlightened men, now talking about how we SHOULD be. She tells the story of WHY men go to work: not because they necessarily enjoy it.
15.35 I’ve been noticing the up-ramping of the ‘weird’ energies, explaining the only thing which will actually soothe me- not even prayer, meditation or sound when these hit, is to get up and put my bare feet on the ground.

18.00 The ART to be balanced right now is, “recognise and then DO”: rinse and repeat.
We have to be able to recognise what we are feeling and act as soon as possible to restore ourselves. Otherwise we are going to get scrambled, in The Last Battle, and we need to be there, in the fight.
18.45 Kari: “Learning to LISTEN and RESPOND.” Instead of , “oh, ouch! -Ignore!”

We get down to the application of our preparations:

19.00 I love the idea of…using all the tools at our fingertips, to put little hindrances in the way of the vaccinations. I want to influence at least the children whose attraction field could sway away from having the flu vax. -Maybe something with the nurses, or with a saline batch being delivered. Kari sees we could literally purify one of these batches to be inert. I reference Dr Bryan Ardis’s work on the snake venoms, as well as graphene oxide.
21.01 We know something nasty is going to be given. We seem to still have factions vying for domination- good and bad.

22.44 We go to tank some ‘amazing soul energy’ and THEN choose specifically what we are going to do. ( Little chat about energy perception and sensitivity these days.)
26.50 We count down into our soul rooms for replenishing our energy fully..
27.50 We both feel wonderful. ( I cut the three minutes out ). We have both got to our re-set, our soul ground zero of goodness again.

34.00 And now I want to be able to take the energy of the next day- the vax at school- and be able to process it through me so that somehow I can affect change for the better:
to transform the energy ourselves/through Source ENERGY: that alchemy is full of all the secrets of the ages…
35.00 We discuss the alchemy of processing of dark energy though us.
I give a brief potted history of the Aleister Crowley set-up of wanting to gain power through dark sexual practices, stemming originally from the Nephilim- passed down through the Khazarian Mafia, Sabbatean Frankism and the masons.
They could not do what we just did: connect our Spirits into Source Energy to replenish.
And the lovely thing of doing work such as this with Kari, is that she is here to help people expand and find love energy though sex again. The light way.
I reiterate how it is essential to realise we can have our “light magic” simply by lovingly connecting with Source Energy again- and this powers us up to be able to affect the world in positive ways, unlike the other guys with their MkUltra etc.
40.00 The idea of setting a butterfly into the fire alarm
40.50 Kari: “The Goddess energy fills the room- for every child. -That everyone gets their perfect soul lessons.”
The decision to consciously cultivate the elevation of my soul as I arrive, spreading myself vibrationally throughout the spaces. ( Kari’s sparkle soul sprinkles… )
43.50 And we also use our imagination and our reiki and neutralise the contents of the vax box. We both feel this surprisingly strongly.
44.41 I wonder how you bless Graphene Oxide? Kari: “you just render it harmless, take away its magnetism.” Kari blesses the other ingredients so that they transform into helpful components rather than detrimental ones. Kari pronounces the children to become healthier than ever, stronger than ever.
46.16 I bring up the sweet Christians who need to have a ‘father’ in heaven: but what we are doing- allowing intentionally through us, is coming from what we are made of. We are brain cells and speaking parts, beautiful unique ‘nerve-ending’ of ALL SOURCE, carrying out this work as we are inspired of it. We are just ‘being it’, allowing a beautiful idea to have expression and witnessing it: the TRUE human power……
48.00 Kari intends being there with me in energetic support, embracing the entire school with her love (she sets her alarm the next day to do this with me :) )
49.00 Kari is so fully expanded into this love . She recalls walking into a party as a teenager: “I felt, I was the light walking in.”
49.30 I suggest to Kari, it’s time to write a little story of how she came full circle and further into her creative love-powered self. “How you took all the best bits from your life story so far, and decide, now it’s time to deploy them.” And Kari feels she has to get her healing book, “The Great Circle of Desire” out into the world right now.
52.08 I understand that my ‘Zog Books’ ( Transmissions from the Planet Zog: Milo & Teal Books 1,2,3 & 4 ) will be very popular as we bring in this new way of being and thinking and feeling. Not quite yet, but in the near future. So we are ALMOST at the time for the release of all this wonderful new information. We are still formulating connections and support structures, bubbling away until it is ripe…..
56.00 Kari says her book, her information “lifts women up to a place where they KNOW they are equal with men, and the war is over and they are no longer angry with men.” - Such a beautiful place to be! And I explain my example of late, being in this place of non-war and utter love with my beloved- despite having recently been “buried in an avalanche.”
58.33 We thank each other for the love we bring to these sessions.

Conclusion: The day of this ‘event’ went smoothly, I felt up-beat, happy and held the energy around me high. I saw things occurring (vaccinations), which I would dearly have loved to not see at all, but I witnessed it with some neutrality, and therefore was able to contribute to a general high resistant energy for the children to tap into.
I did see one little child who is very energy-sensitive looking very ill ( dark rings beneath her eyes, which to me is liver poisoning), and I also witnessed several older children seeing the v as a ‘badge of honour’. I believe not everyone received it. I also strangely was in the vicinity of the visiting nurse administering it. She appeared somewhat distracted by family matters…. ultimately we cannot see the true picture BUT our loving intentions are not nothing. they help, and we should continue using all the love we have in our souls.

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“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

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