PCR Test Biologically Changes People to GMO's - Celeste Solumn

1 year ago

Celeste Solumn: They have placed a magnetic beacon on the PCR swabs, so not will you be genetically modified but you will be tagged.

This is owned and operated by the Rockefellers.

It is part of the "Bar Code for Life" initiative, to tag and identify all life forms.

They want to synthetically modify us so we can be patented.

They are fusing synthetic life with biological life. Humans with robots.

This is for their New World Order.

By 2025 they want all the old humans eradicated and permanently trap the new in the matrix.

They are retooling and rewiring our bodies. They wanted to put chips in peoples brains but they didn't want to do surgery. They invented Hydrogel.

Once the vaccine is injected into the body it self-assembles and it goes to your brain to take it over. It will replicate until we are no longer human.

We become a Node in the Quantum Computer and the biological self dies.

The only way to avoid it is to say NO to the Covid tests and the Vaccines. ALL Vaccines.

Do not wear the masks as they will contain hydrogel nanoparticles.

They are Bio-Accumulative, the more jabs you get, they accumulate, and they are not removed.

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