TOP10 Best Stunts CzechStuntDay Anniversary | bike lover

1 year ago

Here is the Top 10 best stunts and series from qualification, semi-final and final runs at Czech Stunt Day 2022. We have placed tricks according to novelty and uniqueness, which were performed at official competitions. Despite the rainy weather during the weekend, all the big stunts were made.

1st Place: Watchtower in surfer position - a spectacular stunt performed for the first time by Mike Jensen.
2d Place: Rolling stoppie 360 - the highest level stoppie performed for the first time at an official competition.
3d Place: Series of old but difficult stunts performed on the highest level of speed and amplitude.

Czech Stunt Day is the largest international competition in stunt riding, which was held annually in the city of Ostrava, and has become a world championship. This year was the last anniversary tournament.

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