iPhone 7/8 Bumper Case Review & Drop Test!

8 years ago

Review and Drop Test of an iPhone 7 Rugged Bumper Case. The case is designed by Rhinoshield to withstand drops from crazy heights but I decided to take a more simple approach and drop test it from the places I would drop an iPhone 7 or an iPhone 8. This iPhone 8 bumper is ideal for those who are prone to dropping phones and also great for occasions where you think you might drop your iPhone 7.

Get an iPhone 7 Rhinoshield Bumper Case: http://amzn.to/2cW7BPN

Direct Site Rhinoshield iPhone 7 Bumper: http://www.evolutivelabs.com/products/rhinoshield-crashguard-bumper-for-iphone-7?variant=25221398337

iPhone 7 Accessories: http://amzn.to/2d2RbFY
iPhone 7 Cases: http://amzn.to/2d6OWNL

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