phases of moon 2018

9 months ago

The phases of the Moon in 2018 followed a predictable cycle as the Moon orbits the Earth, transitioning through various stages of illumination. Here is a brief description of the phases of the Moon in 2018:

1. **New Moon**: The year began with a New Moon on January 17, where the Moon was not visible from Earth because it was positioned between the Earth and the Sun. During this phase, the Moon is in shadow, and its dark side faces Earth.

2. **First Quarter Moon**: Around January 24, the Moon reached its First Quarter phase. At this point, half of the Moon's surface was illuminated, resembling a half-moon shape in the sky.

3. **Full Moon**: February 1 brought the Full Moon, when the entire face of the Moon was brightly lit by the Sun's rays as seen from Earth. It appeared as a complete circle.

4. **Last Quarter Moon**: On February 7, the Moon entered its Last Quarter phase, with another half-moon shape visible in the sky, but this time with the left half illuminated.

5. **New Moon**: The cycle repeated, with a New Moon occurring on February 15. This marked the beginning of a new lunar cycle.

6. **First Quarter Moon**, **Full Moon**, and **Last Quarter Moon** phases repeated approximately every 7-8 days, with variations in specific dates from month to month. These phases continued throughout 2018, creating the well-known lunar cycle.

The cycle of lunar phases continued throughout the year, offering a beautiful celestial spectacle and serving as a fundamental aspect of Earth's natural rhythm. Keep in mind that the specific dates and appearances of the Moon's phases may vary slightly from one year to another due to the Moon's elliptical orbit and other astronomical factors.

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