Clare Daly, Irish MEP: The war in Ukraine must be stopped by negotiations, not by more weapons

2 years ago

Watch Clare Daly's speech in the European Parliament (please copy the entire link into your browser if the links seems broken):

Clare Daly is a current member of the European Parliament, representing the Irish constituency of Dublin in Brussels, since 2019. Before that, Ms. Daily was a member of the Irish Parliament for 8 years.

Mrs. Daly has been active in politics ever since her student days in the 1980s. She was a member of the Labor Party and other left wing parties. On the EU level, she is part of “The Left in the European Parliament”.

She recently has spoken out forcefully against escalatory measures in the Russo-Ukrainian war, something that I originally thought would be the position of any of us “Lefties” in Europe but was unfortunately disappointed when I saw how many on the left are not in support of diplomatic solutions. That’s what we want to discuss today.

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