Chas Freeman: On Propaganda, the Resurrection of Spheres of Influence, and Peace Failing

2 years ago

Interview with former US Ambassador Chas Freeman: We are talking about the Russo-Ukrainian War, its impact on Asia, especially on Chinese–Taiwanese relations, and about the propaganda environments in the East and the West.

Ambassador Freeman served as US Assistant Secretary of Defense from 1993-94, He served as U. S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (89–92), handling the fallout of the Gulf War. He was the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs during the historic U.S. mediation of Namibian independence. And he was Richard Nixons principal interpreter during his 1972 visit to China, which lead to the normalization of US–China relations.

A remarkable feature of Ambassador Freeman’s career is the diversity of his experience. He served in Taiwan, China, Africa and the Middle East, speaking fluently not only French and Spanish but also Chinese and Arabic

Ambassador Freeman is also a scholar, he holds a Doctorate of Jurisprudence from Harvard University and wrote several books on US diplomacy and foreign policy. He spoke out publicly against the invasion of Irak publishing letters and calls against the war back together with other prominent scholars and diplomats.

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