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How Israel Became A Spyware Powerhouse

1 year ago

Emma Vigeland talks to independent journalist Antony Loewenstein to discuss his recent book The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World.

Buy the The Palestine Laboratory here: https://www.versobooks.com/products/2684-the-palestine-laboratory

Antony Loewenstein then dives right into his reporting on Israel’s export of their apartheid technologies, beginning with his work in Afghanistan, South Sudan, and Honduras, and his realization that in these very geographically-specific conflicts, there were always traces of the tactics and technologies employed by Israel in their occupation of Palestine. Next, he and Emma step back to assess Israeli apartheid as the longest-running occupation in modern history, with the Israeli economy – largely in tech and defense – raking in the big bucks from the relationship, with financial ties to the West from the beginning of the Nakba strengthening their economic and political support over the last 75 years. Antony then assesses Israel’s role as the 10th biggest arms dealer in the world, despite their relatively small size, with the occupation of Palestine acting as one of the most active military and intelligence testing grounds in the world, before he walks Emma through the long history of this industry and export in Israel, including their role in supporting genocide across the Global south during the 1970s and ‘80s, and how they have kept those ties strong over the last decade.

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