Music Can Attract People to God’s Message

1 year ago

Oh, sing to the Lord a new song! Sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless His name; proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day. Psalm 96:1, 2, NKJV.

A few nights since, my mind was much troubled in contemplating what we could do to get the truth before the people in these large cities. We are sure if they would only hear the message, some would receive the truth and in their turn communicate it to others.

The ministers warn their congregations and say it is dangerous doctrine that is presented, and if they go out to hear they will be deceived and deluded with this strange doctrine. The prejudices would be removed if we could get the people out to hear. We are praying over this matter and believe that the Lord will make a place for the message of warning and instruction to come to the people in these last days.

One night I seemed to be in a council meeting where these matters were being talked over. And a very grave, dignified man said, “You are praying for the Lord to raise up men and women of talent to give themselves to the work. You have talent in your midst which needs to be recognized.”

Several wise propositions were made and then words were spoken in substance as I write them. He said, “I call your attention to the singing talent which should be cultivated; for the human voice in singing is one of God’s entrusted talents to be employed to His glory. The enemy of righteousness makes a great account of this talent in his service. And that which is the gift of God, to be a blessing to souls, is perverted, misapplied, and serves the purpose of Satan.

“This talent of voice is a blessing if consecrated to the Lord to serve His cause. [Carrie Gribble] has talent, but it is not appreciated. Her position should be considered and her talent will attract the people, and they will hear the message of truth.”—Evangelism, 497, 498.

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