1 year ago

Drag Queen Story Hour Montgomery County Council Proclamation 9-12-2023

Proclamation Celebrating the Drag Story Hour and Participants, by Councilmember Mink & full Council

Evan Class - at large, MC Council President
Andrew Friedson - district 1, MC Council VP
Kristin Mink - district5, MC Councilmember
Dawn Luedtke - district 7, MC Councilmember
Laurie-Anne Sayles - at large, MC Councilmember
Kate Stewart - district 4, MC Councilmember
Sidney Katz - district 3, MC Councilmember
Will Jawando - at large, MC Councilmember

Jill McCrory - board member Moco Pride Center
Morgan Merryman - puts together and shows up to protect these DQSH events

DSH DMV Chapter founded in 2019 in Silver Spring, Rainbow Defense Coalition, MOCO Pride Center,

Olney Theatre, Loyalty Books, Olney Library, MC Public Libraries

Charlemagne Chateau (blond) and Bella Naughty

Kristin Mink - MC Councilmember - first 3 minutes
“Recognizing DQSH Drag Queen Story Hour - is where story tellers use the ‘art of drag’ to read books to kids in libraries, schools, book stores etc to create spaces where kids can imagine a world where everyone can be their authentic self.

What is Drag Queen Story Hour?
Drag Queen Story Hour is homosexual men wearing women’s lingerie, while pretending to be women, engaging small children.

Purpose of Drag Queen Story Hour -
The Lie - WE ARE TOLD that the purpose of homosexual men wearing women’s lingerie, pretending to be women, engaging our small children
1) promotes child literacy
2) encourages creativity
3) is an act of love
4) creates spaces where kids can imagine a world where they can be their authentic self
5) Embraces the joy of accepting others and our own authentic selves
6) Diverse, inclusive family programming

WE ARE TOLD that to oppose homosexual men wearing women’s lingerie, pretending to be women, engaging our small children is:
1) hateful (branded homophobic, transphobic)
2) bullying
3) unloving

It’s time that the public starts paying attention and wakes up to the fact that the general public are victims of Psychological Warfare being perpetuated by well organized homosexual groups, and this has been going on for decades.

They are implementing psychological tools such as neuro-linguistic programming, critical bypass programming, and mass formation programming to change our conscious mind’s perception of reality to implement their agendas. These same techniques were effectively implemented in 1) Nazi Germany 2) Bolshevik revolution in Russia USSR and in 3) the red revolution in China in the communist party.

This is how it works. They create a program of homosexual men joyfully wearing women’s lingerie, pretending to be women, to our small children, then use words to describe this behavior such as

‘Drag queens,

“story tellers, joyfully teaching children inclusive, diverse, loving, family oriented, creativity, literacy and authentic self”

When positive attributes are associated with the behavior and plastered everywhere, and repeated enough, the subconscious mind begins to replace the reality of the behavior with the positive attributes that have been deeply ingrained into our subconscious.

The subconscious mind assumes these positive attributes must be true, our critical thinking ability is bypassed because our mind is controlled by the subconscious brain.

To more deeply solidify this deception, authority figures, such as parents, and respected leaders in the community are sought after to publicly proclaim their support. They will find a small handful of authority figures, and publicly proclaim their support, which validates their message, and creates the illusion that the public is now onboard.

To those that oppose their message, they associate a liturgy of negative attributes such as hateful, unloving, unkind, homophobic, transphobic, racist etc. These negative attributes, for those that oppose, are so often proclaimed and repeated that the subconscious minds begins accepting it as fact. The general public becomes fearful of being associated with these negative attributes so they keep quiet or get onboard with their message.

Once we understand that we are truly victims of psychological warfare, that for decades they have been successfully using these tactics to subliminally programming us, then we can break free.

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