Medical Freedom Amendment 28

1 year ago

The proposed 28th Medical Freedom Amendment is the necessary addition to the United States Constitution. Dr. Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of Independence, physician to George Washington and the nation's first Surgeon General maintained that medical freedom should be specified in the Bill of Rights, otherwise medicine would develop into medical tyranny.
The amendment reads as follows:
"All people have the Right to secure their Health in the manner they choose. Congress, the President, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies or Departments shall make no law, rule, regulation, or executive order that impedes the Individual's rights to informed consent nor right to medical choice nor freedom of medical choice. Nor shall the President, Congress, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies or Departments make any law, rule, regulation, or executive order that impedes the Individual's right to medical privacy and freedom without individual and specific judicial warrant supported by Oath and affirmation of necessary cause to protect Society from Harm describing the Individual's condition and danger it presents."

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